Name Help!


Hello there. Mama to be for the second time here - I am currently on pregnancy number 4 (first pregnancy we successfully and without any issue had our daughter Elena Rae, and pregnancy 2 & 3 both ended with missed miscarriages of unknown cause). Finally (and hopefully!) I am pregnant again at 10w3d without any issues this far into the pregnancy, which I have made it farther than the last two times so I am hoping this third time is a charm 😊 In any case, I have always been antsy to find out the babies gender. In a couple weeks we may be doing blood work that not only looks for any genetic issues to be concerned about, but also reveals the baby's gender! (If we do not do this blood work, I am scheduling an early scan to determine gender). Regardless, I am in need of some help with names! I am trying to get excited about this pregnancy, as I have been very hesitant and guarded pretty much this entire time. We know for sure if it is a girl, we are going to go with Vivienne, but I can't seem to find a fitting middle name! It would be Vivienne ____ Storheim. Everly/Everleigh is another runner up I really like and also could use suggestions for a middle name there as well. If it is a boy I think we have narrowed it down to Jackson Wyatt or Blake Anthony. If you have any middle name suggestions for Vivienne or Everly that flows nicely with our last name, please share! This mama needs some help because hubby could really care less about the name picking 😂