Birth Story


2 and a half months late but better late than never!

At his anatomy scan my little guy was diagnosed with a velementous cord insertion. This meant his cord was attached to the edge of the placenta and there was a chance he wouldn't get as many nutrients as he needed. We had frequent ultrasounds to keep and eye on his growth. The goal was to get him to 37 weeks as long as he was still growing. fast forward to when he is 36+6 and I have an ultrasound and the doctor tell me well there is no point keeping him in there any longer so you should have him this week! He was measuring around 5lb and below the 10th percentile which he has been below all along. I called my midwife and we planned to meet in the L&D; ward the next day to be assessed by the physician for induction as I was considered high risk.

After frantically buying supplies I got a good night's sleep and went in with my hubby at noon the next day. I found out I was at 1cm which surprised me since he was my first. I was admitted to antepartum and had cervadil to get things going. It wasn't very fun but after a morphine/gravol shot I had a good sleep. At 2am April 13th my water broke all by itself and I was moved to labour and delivery. They started the pitocin and I was on my way. I got to 3cm around 11am and asked for the epidural after trying the gas and fentanyl. The epidural was great and I got to chill for a bit. Baby started having a hard time so I did some gymnastics but baby was still not happy. They attached a scalp clip and tried to put more fluid to cushion him. At this point the epidural wasn't doing much. Within 20 minutes I went from 3 to 8cm. They decided his heart was not doing well and talked to me about a csection. Since the diagnosis I was pretty sure things would end in a csection but I was proud we got as far as we did. I gave my consent and they said once I got to OR they would check one more time and if I was at 10 they would push him out for me since I was already numb from them topping up the epidural. I was still at 8 when we got there so it was emergency csection time. 10 minutes after that baby was born! He cried right away. he got to hang out by my head while they stitched me back up. After a 6 day stay in NICU he got to come home. He was born under 2000g so they had to monitor his sugar and temperature. He was almost discharged day 5 but had a critical level for jaundice so he needed phototherapy. He was born at a dainty 4lb 2 oz April 13th and he had a tiny cord and placenta. Time will tell if his size was because of the cord or if I am just meant to have small babies. He is doing great and is now over 10lbs. What a ride!