Baby coming soon!


I've been posting for the last couple days about what's been going on with me & baby. One post was about being upset my body wasn't doing what it was supposed to, another was about my mucus plug & my last one was about contractions. I'm now 40+6 today & I had an appointment to be checked for further dilation. I lost part of my mucus plug Saturday night (& throughout the last 3 days) & I've been having contractions since Sunday night. I was 1 cm & 30% effaced & he was - 2 since 36 weeks. When I went to my appointment today, I told her about the contractions & the mucus plug. She checked me & I am at 3 cms, 50% effaced & he's at a - 1! I'm so happy! She also swept my membranes to try to get me moving along a bit on my own so I don't have to be induced. They have an induction date set for Friday, July 6th (he was due the 27th of June 😒) in case he doesn't make his appearance before then. I just wanted to share this with ya'all because I'm happy my body's been working. Hopefully in the next day or so, we'll have a baby!