How will I know??

Lyssa • Everything happens for a reason and the Qadar was already written for me. Mom to 9yr old👦🏽 and one due Nov 2019 insha’Allah

So I had a MC on June 13 I finished bleeding on June 21st. I took an OPK on June 23rd and it came back positive and another on 26th that was positive as well. But I also took a HPT that came back positive 26th it was very faint. Then I had a negative HPT. But I just got blood work back that shows I still have HCG in my system but we have been BD since I stop bleeding on the 21st I believe we’ve only missed 3 days on total since then. Has anyone become pregnant very soon (like within 30days) after a MC? Or has anyone become pregnant soon after and there HCG wasn’t all the way out of their system?