Husband doesn’t do housework


He doesn’t do chores around the house and never has. I do all the cleaning, laundry, taking care of the animals, dishes, vacuuming, everything.

I’ve never really asked him to pitch in or help before because the free times he helps out he doesn’t things very half assed and I have to go back and re do them anyways. He was never raised to pick up after himself so he just doesn’t have those habits. Since he moved into my house I have always just picked up after him because I hate messyness and clutter.

But it’s coming to a point where I am very far along and tired all the time when I get home from work. He doesn’t ask me to clean, he doesn’t care if the house is filthy, like moldy cups in his computer desk or an over filled cat box. He will just let it go and go and go until I clean it eventually.

I’ve tried recently bringing up the idea of him stepping in and helping out. He says he will try it, but never does. Unless I ask him to do something specifically but even then he says “I’ll do it later” and never does. So.. that’s about it. What do you guys think? We have had deep long talks about this before, I don’t want to nag him I’ve tried patiently reminding him occasionally but nothing works. It’s just not a priority for him. What do I do?