8DPO Too Early to Test???

Ellie • Lauren Rozella-Mae 3.11.19 💖

I honestly don't know what to think so I'm asking for advice. The last 3 days I've been SO tired all I want to do is nap and sleep through my alarm, I'm super hungry constantly and my sex drive is off the charts right now. Test or no?

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but if it will make you feel better to test, I say test!


Katrina • Jul 4, 2018
I hope it turns positive for you!!


Ellie • Jul 3, 2018
thank you!


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I tested at 8DPO (of course got a positive) because I just knew I was pregnant


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Generally speaking- yes, too early!However- I did get my first positive at 8DPO this pregnancy. (Confirmed by ultrasound that those dates are correct) it was verrrrrry faint. But by the next morning (day 9) it has already darkened significantly. If you want to possibly torture yourself- go for it! I had never gotten a positive so early but had plenty of tests to waste!


Mo • Jul 3, 2018
My positive on 8 DPO was a squinter for sure. But I knew it was there so I was excited (plus my hubs saw it too). But I was also anxious to see it darken the next day!


Ellie • Jul 3, 2018
haha, right?! that's what I'm thinking too, but I've just been feeling too weird these last few days


Posted at
yes, too early. I got inseminated and got a negative 10dpiui but a positive on 13dpiui