C-section under GA, any experiences?

Summer • 11/6/18👦🏻 11/28/19👶🏻 March 2021🤰🏻

So I’m just kinda getting nervous cause my SO will not be home for the both of our sweet baby boy due to the Air Force, which I know I signed up for I’m just kinda sad about it, and now on top of that because I have Chiari my neurologist and OB both agreed the safest option is for me to be put to sleep for my c-section because I cannot have a vaginal birth and getting a spinal is extremely risky for me, I guess I’m more emotional than nervous, it upsets me that neither me or baby’s father will be there with him for his first few hours of life, but I am forever grateful for my step mother who is a nurse and will be there to hold him till I can. Anyone else been put under for their c-section and have and tips or experiences they would be willing to share with me?