Should I let my husband watch the birth of our second baby? (Please read my story)


With my first son, I was SET on having my husband up by my head the entire time that I had to push. But the nurse told him to grab a leg to help once it was time and I was too shy to tell them that I didn’t want him down there. He watched the entire time and instead of me worrying about pushing a baby out, I was so busy looking at his face/reaction.. worried that he’d be grossed out by the sight. I’m pretty self conscious. But anyways, we are expecting second in October, and I told him I didn’t want him watching this time and he was pretty sad about it but stated that it’s my decision and he’ll respect that. He said he’d really appreciate if I let him watch though because it was very special to him that he got to see the baby first.. even before me.. so now I feel I should let him watch.. but I don’t want labor to be uncomfortable for me.

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