I just can't....I can't.....

I have been trying to keep my head up. I try to smile and say congratulations when friends and family tell me they are pregnant but I can't anymore and I hate that I can't. I want to be happy for them I really do but my heart breaks inside and my eyes fill with tears as I grin and start to say congratulations. Today at a friend's wedding where they have known each other 2 months and got pregnant their first try (yes they were trying after a month of knowing each other) they are pregnant. I looked at my husband and said we have to go NOW! I broke down and cried in the car as I asked him what is wrong with me that I can't have and keep a baby! We had a chemical in May and I am just at the end of my rope. my cousin is having a baby with a girl he had a one night stand with and I can't take it. the universe is cruel....i just can't anymore....