Spotting 😢

Doc just confirmed pregnancy with a blood test. My levels are low so re take blood test a day later to see if they rise. I always have cramping basically constantly during my first few months of pregnancy. Nothing severe but I definitely remember them from my previous pregnancies. Well today I noticed the cramps a little more and just had veg light light spotting. Only a couple times light strings of blood in cervical mucus when I wipe. We did do the deed today so I’m not sure if it’s from that? Or maybe an early miscarriage 😢 if my calculations are correct implantation happened only 5 days ago. I had pink spotting when I wiped once on that day and assumed implantation bleeding. Anyone have an advice on what this could be? To me it seems like a miscarriage... any thoughts are appreciated! 💕

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I had spotting of all colors & amounts throughout my 1st trimester, and all were accompanied by cramping. I'm currently cuddled up to my 11month old right now, so obviously it was no biggie though it can cause worry. For now just take a breath & trust that your body will tell you if something is wrong! Even when I cramped & bled, I still never got the notion that I had lost him. I always felt that I'd just know if something wasn't "right". I learned to just trust myself - my instincts. You'll be okay, love, & so will that baby of yours ♡ Call your Dr in the morning if you're feeling too worried; they're there to help!


Mary • Jul 4, 2018
Thank you 💕💕 that gives me comfort!!


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❤❤❤❤hugs and prayers


Mary • Jul 4, 2018
Thank you!


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Just keep your feet up and pray my dear you will be okay ! I’m praying for you ❤️


Mary • Jul 4, 2018
Thank you 🙏🏻 that’s so sweet


Posted at
It’s hard to tell without that 2nd blood draw, I’m sorry you’re going through this.I also am but I’m 99% sure I am having a miscarriage with the amount I am bleeding. Will have blood work done again tonight. What was your hcg number ?


Brianna 👶🏻👶🏻 • Jul 4, 2018
Good luck !! Sticky baby dust


Mary • Jul 4, 2018
She didn’t even tell me my number. She just said it’s very low. I’ll ask again when she calls tomorrow with new blood work results. This one she said is more specific


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Mary • Jul 4, 2018
I thought maybe but I already tested positive so I must have already implanted... or began to? I’ll have to research how long implantation can take