am I the only one ?


am I the only one with an unruly newborn ? πŸ€” I covered his leg up and he literally kicked the blanket off and did this THREE TIMES!

1.1k views β€’ 27 upvotes β€’ 16 comments



Posted at
Be careful with blankets on newborns. He’s adorable, btw. Just God forbid he gets tangled up. I’ve read that you should wait until they’re at least 1.


Cieraa β€’ Jul 4, 2018
I had just laid him down and wanted to cover him up for the moment he was gonna be in there while I grabbed the supplies to change him . but I get where you're coming from usually he's swaddled completely


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my oldest did this since she was born i would swaddle her tho but she would find the way to uncover her feet πŸ˜‚ 8yrs now and she still does that only she thing she uncovers when sleeping is her feet lol


Cieraa β€’ Jul 4, 2018
when I swaddle him he finds a way to free his hands I can always secure the feet lol


Kendra β€’ Jul 4, 2018
My daughter is 9 years old and before I gp to bed I try to cover her up. The girl hates covers!


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Yup, my son is 16 months and STILL does this LOL


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Yes, and the little crazy man is now 3 and still kicks off all covers even when it’s super cold out hahah! He’s hated being covered and swaddled since birth! 🀣


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Both of my daughters did that and still hate to be covered when they sleep


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I still sleep with one leg out of the covers. ;)


Cieraa β€’ Jul 4, 2018
I used to during pregnancy but now I'm cold ALL THE TIME lol


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My son never stayed swaddled. Somehow he always made it out. But, now he'll sleep with 5 blankets on his bed (he's 8) πŸ™„


Cieraa β€’ Jul 4, 2018
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ he always manages to free his arms and hands


Posted at
He is so adorable 😍


Cieraa β€’ Jul 4, 2018
Thank you 😊


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My son is a year and still hates covers hah