Am I Getting Played or Not?


Okay so I really need your advice on this— I’m 17 and I’ve been seeing this guy, who is 23 and lives 45 minutes away from me. We’ve been on 3 “dates” in total, in which 2 out of the 3 we went out to watch a movie, and the other one we just hung out at my place.

Now this is where it gets a little tricky— on our second “date” I guess, he came over and we had sex. He knew that was my first time ever. When he left, he texted me saying he was happy I was his first. After that, he ghosted on me basically. Prior to having sex, he would text me everyday. After, however, he doesn’t anymore. I mean sure, he’d say something on my snapchat/instagram story once in a while, but never text me. I couldn’t see him the following week too because his tires were all messed up apparently. (Based on his social media accounts, it seemed like he wasn’t lying about it so...).

Two weeks later, he finally texted me asking if I want to see him that night to go watch a movie, in which I said yes to. I was upset at him for basically ghosting on me for two weeks, but I wanted to see him and ask him what his intentions really are. I also wanted to see if he was going to want to have sex with me that night, and if he did it would be a clear sign that that’s all he wants from me. So we went to see the movie, and it was fine. We were acting like we were a couple. After the movie, we went to his car and I was preparing myself and expecting him to make a move— but nothing happened.

He drove me home, and on the way home he did mention that he wants to see me again. I withheld asking him the “where is this thing, between you and I, going?” I wanted to ask him that night, but I didn’t because he didn’t make a move— we didn’t even make out, just a goodnight kiss! I’m so confused with his intentions. He doesn’t text me anymore compared to before we had sex, but when he saw me again after, he was respectful and didn’t try to get in my pants again.

So can someone please, please, please help me with my predicament? I’m always thinking about him and his intentions, and it’s making me stressed out! I will ask him, for sure, when I next see him. But for now I need your advice and opinion on this situation...