How many of you had no symptoms before bfp..not even boob soreness



I literally have more energy, no cramps and no boob soreness

Period due tomorrow

BFN at 11 dpo

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Posted at
The only symptom I had was little heart palpitations, I felt great. My boob soreness didn’t kick in for over a week. Fatigue and sickness kicked in at 7 weeks. Never had cramps.


Posted at
I didn’t start having symptoms until a week or two after I found out I was pregnant. The day I was supposed to start I was cramping and felt like I was bleeding but I’m never late so when it didn’t come I took a test.


💜💙💛 • Jul 6, 2018
I found out the exact day I was supposed to get my period.


babyfever • Jul 6, 2018
Did you find out before af or after


Posted at
My boobs were hurting so bad, like they were bruised. I’ve never felt that before... it was 5/6 dpo. 7 dpo I saw the line that could only be seen in the sun light. Sometimes I couldn’t even see it.


Posted at
I did not have any breast tenderness my entire pregnancy. The only symptom I had before taking a pregnancy test was gas and bloating. I didn’t even know those were symptoms at the time. Lol. And I had a ton of extra energy prior to finding out and a couple weeks after (partly excitement and euphoria I think). Around 6 weeks along was when the fatigue and exhaustion set in and I would fall asleep in a sitting position on the couch. lol.


Bo • Jul 5, 2018
Oh actually I have no idea! I wasn’t trying to get pregnant so I wasn’t tracking any of that. But I do remember that I took my pregnancy test the day my period was supposed to start and my cycle was exactly 28 days- very regular. My doctor said I was exactly 4 weeks along that day (I went to the doctor the same day I took the at home test).


babyfever • Jul 4, 2018
Which dpo did u get ur bfp


Posted at
No symptoms. The only thing that I had or “didn’t have” that made my thing I was pregnant, was the lack of period cramps I usually got right before my AF was gonna start.


Melanie • Jul 4, 2018
But I knew I was preggo because I had no period cramps.


Melanie • Jul 4, 2018
I was one day late.


babyfever • Jul 4, 2018
Did u test when u were late or before period?