Inverted Nipple after pregnancy?

I’m currently 10 weeks pp and the course of that time my nipple has become inverted (I think that’s what that is). It’s had a split down it since before I was pregnant but it’s way worse now. I didn’t breastfeed but since my milk has been diminishing it seems to have gotten worse. Is this normal?


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Posted at
My nipples are like that too, without having a baby. They come out when it’s cold or fun time lol don’t worry, it’s normal. Everyone is different


Posted at
Any updates on this? I am 7 weeks postpartum with the exact same thing. Sudden invert to the left nipple.


Posted at
when your nipples change it is a sign something is going on ,tell your gyno and ask for a referral to a dermatologist....good luck keep us updated .....


Posted at
My nipples have always looked like that (except when it’s really cold or they’ve been stimulated another way lol). It’s completely normal.


Posted at
It's very slight. seems more of an indent than inverting. Normal though