Could I be pregnant or af signs?

So... Have a few questions. Af is due in 3 days. I ovulated the 4th. Yesterday I had spotting and today I'm having off symptoms. I've been pregnant 8 times before but 7 didn't last and never got any symptoms and the one that went 40 weeks I didn't know I was prego until 7 weeks cuz unexpected (assumed I'd lose him too early like the others so never payed attention to symptoms. I've been temping too. I have cramps (not bad but menstrual like that are irritating) irritability, moodiness, headache, super tired, haven't been able to sleep well (waking at 3am like I did with my son) and bloated. But most weird is my nipples are sore and tingly but so is "down there". I'm terrified to test early (had a chemical in may) but are these good signs or could they just be af signs I never noticed? This is first cycle paying attention to this stuff.