13DPO tomorrow


So I’ll be 13DPO tomorrow and I’m planning on testing when I wake up. The other day I tested and it was negative so I’m hoping maybe I’ll get a faint line or a BFP! I don’t have any early AF symptoms so I’m hoping she doesn’t show up but if she does then there’s always the next cycle to try to get pregnant. My cervix position is Medium height, medium softness, and closed, I have a milky colored discharge(I know that’s not a pregnancy symptom), my nipples have been kinda itchy, very mild cramps(my cramps for AF I end up curled up or hunched over (I have to be tested for endometriosis) so it’s different), my veins on my boobs near my nipples are very pronounced, and I’ve just been tired lately which could also be from the heat Massachusetts has been in a killer heat wave lately. But fingers crossed 🤞🤞🤞 I’ll update when I test ☺️☺️