Friend or foe? Is my baby a dealbreaker for a friendship?


I’ve been friends with A. Since I can remember myself. Lemme think...mmm about 25 years probably. Needless to say we’ve been through tons of shit together - good and bad.

Even though we kinda grew apart after she got married - we both knew that we will be there for each other no matter what. And even when I moved to a different country we kept in touch and it felt like each of us valued our bond even more.

And then it happened - her husband cheated on her and left and of course I was the one she turned to. We talked every day over the phone for weeks. I tried my best to support her and even though I was pregnant at that time I handled

all the drama like a real friend should. She never asked me about me and my pregnancy and always talked about her problems only, but I figured it’s natural and offerred her my shoulder as much as she needed.

So as time went by, she began to recover and was doing much better. And then in a couple of months I gave birth. And so the strangest thing happened - she congratulated me but only in a group chat we have with 2 other friends. And that was it. It has been almost 4 months and she never congratulated me 1 on 1. She never called or sent a present (even though many others did).

She wrote me once (after 3 months) to... ask for a favour. And asked only 1 thing - “so how are you! Growing?” But that’s it.

To say that I felt confused and devastated... my husband says that maybe she is the type of person who

has no kids and thus doesn’t get the whole baby curtesy routine involved. But I am lost and don’t know what to think anymore.

What’s your opinion? Am I overreacting?