Immediately regretting testing early.

Erica • 29 y.o. | 7 losses 💔 | Engaged💍| 🌈 Cora born 12/16/19 | Bridger due 11/9/22

So after time and time again telling myself I wouldn't test early, I woke up today and did it anyway. Now I might be going crazy and I think I see a faint line. I would zoom in to look and squint a little. Haha.

Small back story. I'm being impatient. I've had 5 early pregnancy losses and my 6th loss was at 20 weeks on March 3rd. And with the clearance of my Dr, and taking everything she's prescribed me since, I've been trying like crazy for another baby. So please, just be brutally honest here. My period is supposed to start around Saturday/Sunday. Also this was taken at the 5 minute mark.

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