Question for y’all

boymomforever 💙💙🤰 • Mother of five angel babies, a happy and healthy 4yo boy & a 1.5yo boy & last baby and BOY #3 due June 20 ‘23 💙

Posting here & on the iud group**

I got my iud out June 6th of this yr. I bled the whole time it was in (April 19-june6th) andI spotted for a few days after but maybe a week later I got some more spotting for 2-3 days. Barely anything on the pad I used. I took an ovulation test today about 2 weeks after the spotting and posted it and it looks pretty positive to me.

Is it possible that the spotting a week after I go my iud removed could be called “af” Even tho it was light ? And now I’m ovulating 2 weeks later?

that makes sense right ?

Just want to know what my chances are of conceiving this cycle (considering the past few months were wonky)