Funny story

Megan • Trying for our third! First baby a miscarriage, chemical then rainbow. Second baby 9 months of trying 4 with clomid. Hoping for a quick easy pregnancy for #3
So today I strap Landon in his car seat grab a breakfast burrito from the freezer and see the ice cream I bought to go with the brownies I didn't make for the days staff meeting...whoops will have to stop and buy some. Then... I hearLandon pooping! I unstrap him change his diaper and outfit put him back in his car seat only to realize there's poop in it!! I had to change his outfit again and cleaned his car seat! We finally get out of the door drop Landon off pull in the grocery store parking lot to realize my husband put my pump in the car and I forgot to put the pieces in!! I had to go back home I called my boss and worked from homE until traffic died down!! Much harder to get out of the door with a baby!!