Bfp dream

Destiny • Happily Married w a lil boy named Theo and we have a babygirl on the way

So I took a test two days and it said Not pregnant then my mind messes with me even more & decides to dream about peeing on a stick and getting a bfp and i’m telling all my family in it to only wake up to reality. I had a MMC in April and I just am worn out. I felt AF coming yesterday but then it stopped it was only for a second. I don’t understand my body, I feel like it’s broken. Half of my body tells me i’m pregnant and then the other half is like nah, you’re not quit playing with yourself. I want to stop trying because it’s too much stress on me and my body but DH doesn’t want me to give up. I just need a vacay lol When y’all ladies start to feel this way, what do y’all do?