No sight of AF, tests not darkening


Hi ladies I just need to vent,

I had a missed miscarriage almost 5 weeks ago. My levels were at 3010 when I went to the ER 6/4 and found out, bleed heavily two days later, then spotted for a couple days.

My husband and I BD’d on 6/12, then 6/20 and on. I’ve been feeling strong pregnancy symptoms like nausea and fatigue (which are unusual for me) since 6/30.

I’ve been taking a test first thing in the morning, pics all taken within the time range.

Ik it’s a different test on the last day but the dollar store was closed and I just got the cheapest one at the closest store. I’ll test again tomorrow morning with the second blue dye test the pack came with.

My doctors office was closed since 7/4 and not opening till Monday. (Which of course I didn’t know till I tried to call on 7/4 🤦🏻‍♀️)

I’m driving myself crazy not knowing if I should still hope that I’m pregnant or accept that it’s not my month. At first I was convinced I’m pregnant but after the tests not darkening, I’ve accepted that’s probably left over hormones from my miscarriage. I’ve had dull cramps and anticipating AF since yesterday but nothing!! Worst part is I really want to drink to ease my nerves but I’d feel terrible if I found out I was really pregnant again so I’ve been holding off 😭