Tash • Round 3 here I come. 👶🏼💛✨Due, Feb 2024 Already a Mama to 6yr old Jacob & 4yr old Evie. 💙💗

So at the start of June me and my partner decided that we were going to try for baby number 2. I tracked my ovulation and we did the deed. Over the past week I’ve been feeling a little dizzy, achy and TMI a little watery down there. I just took a test thinking it’ll be negative, I’m only 10dpo. I walked away for about 5 minutes, came back to see a second line. I literally had to rub my eyes and pinch myself to believe that it’s real. I did not think that it would happen this quick. I’M SO EXCITED!! My man is at work so I’m going to surprise him for when he gets home. I’m shaking, omg. I can’t believe this. Eeeeek.

