Makeup newbie! Help

#PRINCESS👸🏼👸🏼👸🏼 • Chloe!!!!!!! Stay Strong babes if u ever need help,advice or just someone to talk to I'm here babes!!!!!!!!! PS GIRLS ONLY NO CREPPY GUYS PLS THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

Ok so I'm 15 and I want to get into makeup I have a few products the basics mascara, lipstick, concelar, eyeshadow currently on the hunt for a new foundation Im extremely white with dry skin with cool pink undertones if you have suggestions and I do apply makeup occasionally but tbh I really bad at it it always comes out wrong it's either orange or I haven't blended it right or my highlight is too low or my contour is wrong or there's too much bronzer, those are just some of the things my best friend told me was wrong with it, so what I posted this for was if you have any makeup products suggestions for me to try or any tips or tricks to try pls pls leave them below thanks babes!!

EDIT: Also feel free to leave makeup suggestions below cause I'd love to check em out however i have the problem of living in Australia so there isn't much we'll there are lots, just some products that's are available in other countries aren't available were I live but please leave ur suggestions and I'll for sure check em out!