I knew it (Baby sex/scan/vent)

BeautyMommy • I love my family
Had my anatomy scan today and....they couldn't tell what it was. I saw it, it kinda looks like a boy but really could go either way. I understand why she didnt want to guess. I knew it was going to happen like this. I didn't find out with my first either. So even though I expected this I'm still disappointed. Maybe I can find an elective place near me(If you consider a 45minute drive "near me") and maybe I'll be able to scrap up the extra money for it. *Sigh* Its not real expensive but with all the different things I have money going into right now it is. Its so difficult to find gender neutral clothing and such. I found 3 things at Walmart yesterday that could be used for both, out of the whole section. I'm just a little irritated that neither of my children wanted to cooperate with me at all....And I wanted to know so badly too.