Trying to be positive for this month


Ttc 16 cycles. Facts:

1)Polyps found Nov 2017 due to random midcycle bleeding (still had a period ON TIME EVERY TIME)

2)Polyps removed March 2018

3)HSG July 2 2018 found right tube partially blocked. Unblocked successfully with the test itself

4) taking CoQ10, grapeseed extract, L Arganine and royal jelly

5) met fertility dr july 6 and had ultrasound done and my left ovary produced a 17mm follicle (cd 11 at the time so i now it was still growing) pos LH on cd 13 for ovulation that day or cd 14

6) my hormone labs came back “egg donor worthy” and ovarian reserve was awesome

7) looking at unexplained infertility diagnosis if we can’t conceive after HSG.

We have a son who will be 3 next month. All i want is for him to have a sibling and someone to share our family with. I feel super excited for this cycle because everyone told me i was fine but there was multiple things that needed fixing. BE YOUR OWN ADVOCATE. I felt something was wrong and i was right and needed medical help.

I have been so stressed out and anxious not knowing the full picture of my health. The ultrasound, HSG and labs have given me peace of mind and hubby and I made baby dancing fun and exciting. I don’t believe in a higher power being responsible for what i get or don’t get in life so I am just trying to stay positive that ill get my bfp this time. 3rd time’s a charm? Nah....for me it’ll be 17th time’s the charm lol we will try naturally this cycle and next and move to <a href="">IUI</a> in sept if nothing. I pray we don’t have to cross that bridge. It’s in our budget but we will have to cut out a lot of what we do and buy to afford it.

Any support and words of wisdom/encouragement are welcomed. Baby dust ladies! BFP HERE WE COME FOR MAY/APRIL babies!!!

Ps (i do believe in signs lol) my puppy and cat have slept next to me having to lat AGAINST my tummy yesterday and today. Ovulation was either yesterday night or today

Here is my lil family.