In-laws 😡

Hannah • Baby boy born 10/12/18 👶🏻💙

It’s so long sorry!

So my husband and I were watching his parents house/dog while they went on vacation for a week. They had agreed to pay us $400 ($50 a day) for watching their dog and house. Well when they were gone their dog (a 6 month old German Shepherd) chewed up some baseboards and the gate to keep him in the living room. We tried to stop him by putting him in his crate and spraying him with air but he kept going back anytime we weren’t looking at him. So they blamed us for that but they also claimed that we went on their lab top (which they’ve always told us if we need to go on it we could) well we didn’t go on the lab top, they say we had to have gone on it because the volume was turned all the way up to 100 and they don’t do that so it must’ve been us. Oh and it’s our fault that the dog gets on the couch as soon as he is let in from outside so the couch is a little dirty. We don’t let the dog on the couch they do so how is that our fault? But anyways my husband mowed their lawn for them while they were gone and according to his father he missed a spot (I don’t know where this spot is because I didn’t see it) but I know he wouldn’t intentionally miss a spot. So for all of this they decided to only pay us $260. Oh I forgot to mention I’m five months pregnant and all this money was going to be saved for after my baby shower in case we needed some more stuff.

So am I wrong to be very mad? I just don’t think family should treat family that way I don’t know let me know what you ladies think