Shortness of breath after c-section ...?

Jennifer • Married mommy of 2 year old boy, TTC for baby #2. Wish us luck! 💛

Hi ladies, wondering if any of you have experience it...

I had my handsome baby boy on July 5th (via c-section) ! On the 7th around 1ish, all of sudden I felt my chest super heavy and was have trouble breathing and my legs were shacking uncontrollably! They gave me oxygen and then I was okay a couple minutes later. That same day I was discharged at 12pm! I came home felt fine... and as I was getting situated in our room, I had another “episode” same symptoms. I left like I was going to pass out. (All I did was pray I was going to be okay) ... after a couple of minutes of deep breathing in the bathroom, I went back to the room where my husband was watching our son and just laid down and fell asleep... fast forward to today, I still feel heaviness in my chest and the occasional difficulty breathing.

Have any of you experience this? Would greatly appreciate the input!