I Don't Need Baby Sh!t

🌹Rose🌈🎶 • FTM since 12/23/18 <3

I know most first time moms get excited to build that perfect registry and design that perfect nursery and have that perfect shower... I love my family and and grateful to even be in a position to bring this up. But here's why I am not entirely over the moon excited for baby stuff.

1. We live in a small house. It does not need to be overrun with baby paraphernalia. We physically do not have the space to afford that.

2. We are cheap and I have seen my mom friends before me buy and ask for so many things and find things that could have been money saved or better spent elsewhere.

3. We both come from large families and are among the last to have kids. Most we have told I am pregnant have responded with "Oh I still have (insert LOOONG list of items) that you can (have/borrow/buy for next to nothing)." I hardly need a registry at all because most things are scratched off our list already.

But that large family still wants to throw a shower and I know people will want to still buy us new stuff. I'd rather repurpose the used items and spend time with them. I get it. They're excited and I do want to celebrate with my family and friends. But how do you communicate you don't need a whole bunch of baby sh!t taking over your house?

And to those who say too bad your house will be overrun and there's nothing you can do about it? Disagree. Stuff doesn't just walk itself into your home or magically appear as much as it may feel that way. I know there are ways to do this without our house being overrun. Looking to hear from those who have been creative and successfully managed this.