So over TTC

9 months of TTC... and I’ve wasted so much money on opks and hpts. I’ve wasted so much time crying over bfns and worrying about babydancing on time. I’ve wasted so much time trying all the different TTC tricks like hips and legs up after sex, eating greek yogurt, prenatal vitamins, laying down after sex, every other day sex, preseed and much much more.

9 months of TTC and I have finally given up. Not like how you think though. It’s more like I just stopped caring. I heard the cycle you stop caring will be your cycle. So for once I’m not using opks. For once I’m not having sex every other day, but rather when my husband and I are feeling it. For once I’m not worrying so much about the TTC tricks and tips. Looking at my cycle, you can tell that I’ve stopped logging things in, except sex. You can tell I stopped caring about how much sex we have, but rather started caring about the quality of sex we have.

9 months of TTC and I finally realized that it shouldn’t be about conception. But rather it should be about intimacy with your partner. The less I’m caring about conception, the more caring I am towards my marriage. Overall my marriage has become happier and just better because we aren’t focusing on conception. We are focusing on each other.

So yeah I’m so over TTC. It’s too mainstream.