This Bitch Want Me Pregnant


I had Nexplanon inserting in Janurary of this year (2018). I went to Planned Parenthood to get it done, and I love it. I've had pills, and hated remembering to take them and having that fear of thinking I missed a pill and whatnot, this is so much better. But, when I was leaving, the physician who inserted it gave me a card, and the card said that Nexplanon is good for 3 years. But she said, "Oh, it's good for 4", and proceeded to scratch out the 3, wrote a 4, and filled out the rest of the card. I was sitting there like...

You know I can read right? The pamphlet said 3 years, the nurse said 3 years, EVERY GOOGLE DOCUMENT, INCLUDING YOUR PLANNED PARENTHOOD WEBISTE SAID 3 YEARS. Unless I got some magical edition of Nexplanon. I'mma get it taken out in 2021, and get it replaced, cause that just seemed off to me. It was nearly 1k to get it done, (I paid 30%, my insurance covered the rest thank God), but I'd rather pay that than for an abortion or pregnancy related anything.

I don't know. I was thinking about it recently, and I'm wondering that if I just listened blindly without objection, would I be in trouble later down the road. If she was lying, which I feel like she was, that could have caused me some emotional/physical pain had I though I was actually protected by that birth control, but wasn't.

Was she wrong though? Everything I looked up said yes, but maybe there was a health report release I missed.