GD 36 wk Ultrasound

Tomorrow is my 36 week Ultrasound. I have GD and need to take 37 NPH insulin at night since even with altering my diet completely to remove carbs almost completely (it was completely and then I started having ketones in my urine and needed to add more carbs back in per my doctors). I have been seeing maternal fetal medicine because GD means I’m high risk. I have been having ultrasounds for several weeks to to check that the baby is doing everything she should be (practice breathing, heart beating, moving). At 28 weeks they did a full ultrasound with size and tomorrow at the 36 week ultrasound they at doing the next full ultrasound and going to compare the two to see if they think I’ll need a csection or not. I’m super nervous. A csection is exactly what I didn’t want. I had my first child 7 years ago naturally and now I feel like everything keeps going wrong/unexpectedly. I’m so nervous about tomorrow and feel disheartened. My fundal height is measuring right on. My sugar levels are exactly where they should be/under control during the week but it was always the night levels that made no sense what so ever. Any thoughts from other women who have been in my shoes?

I just keep getting so depressed and emotional about it lately.