I need support

I had an abortion about 11 years ago I was about 21 22 I had been living horribly doing drugs and drinking I was terrified when I found out I was pregnant it was between a drunken one-night stand and another guy who I later found out was married his wife at the time ironically had an abortion to I was scared I didn't know what to do I cried to my dad about it and I decided to have an abortion so my decision wasn't a hundred percent no one forced me but I regret it every single day I do not have any children I also have fertility issues and I lost my little brother a year after my abortion not even a full year I blame myself I can't talk to anybody about it I feel that movie my life is turned out was because of the decision I made and the way my father's life turned out was because he was the only one that knew and took me to the clinic I'm not even sure if any of my rambling made any type of sense I'm just sitting here crying I don't really have anybody to turn to