What could it be..

Before I get started I want to say, yes I Know I need to go see a Dr. If I have any health concerns, but I really want to know you ladies input if y'all have seen or experienced same symptoms/changes as me...

So I've never been a healthy eater, always been on the heavier side.. 5'6" 217 lbs

I have recently experienced fast weight gain which I understand due to bad eating habits and lack of exercising. But I feel like it's mostly my belly which pokes out a lot more than it ever has.

More peach fuzz on my face than I have ever seen... Could it just be age? I am currently 28 years old.

Also I noticed that I started getting skin tags on side of my neck which I am assuming daily stress?

I have always had a little bit of hair but I have experienced thinning of my hair for some time now...

May I add irregular periods since 2014

and when I go to the GYN they put me on BC which I stopped taking due to TTC. Mind you 1 still birth on 2014 after that my menstrual cycle has been all over the place. & emotions are killing me.

I currently have no health insurance which by the way I am looking to get soon.

What do you ladies think have y'all experienced similar symptoms?

I would greatly appreciate your input....