Using a larger cup...


So I have been using menstrual cups for maybe four or five periods now. I started off with a smaller size since I'm a virgin and have a low cervix. The small one works great! I love it! But it would leak withing three to five hours of wearing it on my heavy days. So I bought a larger one.

Anyways, today I started my period and it took me a good ten minutes to get the large one in and open. It hurt at first (but so does the small one on the first day) and was pretty uncomfortable. It would open up and I was about to give up and just use the smaller one when it finally decided to stop being difficult. I wore it for about nine hours with no leaks.

I went to work and didn't feel a thing and had no worries. It was great. But somewhere between nine and a half to ten hours of wearing the cup it leaked onto a pad I was wearing as backup. (I think it would have been fine if I hadn't layed down.) So I emptied it and it was pretty full. I reinserted it before bed and now it is causing some cramping.

My smaller one will sometimes cause a tiny bit of cramping but it goes away quite quickly.But this is a bit worse and it just keeps going. But I don't want to take it out and have to deal with a huge pad all night. Ugh!

Does this happen to anyone else and if so, what do you do?