Am I being used?

This guy I went to college with, and haven’t seen in probably close to two years, texted me the other day asking how I’ve been. He’s been dating this girl for two years now, who I barely know besides a project and some classes. He goes “she mentioned you the other day and how she misses you from college” meanwhile we barely ever talked much in college. He also mentioned they spend a lot of time together, but she wishes she had girl friends to do girl stuff with. I got the impression that he was almost trying to “recruit” me to be her friend if that makes sense. So THEN calls me that night and basically says the same thing like how have you been, and he said a group of us from college should get together soon, which I’m fine with bc I was friends with them, but nothing super close. However, they have always hung out and I have never been invited except once, and this was over two years ago. He invited me out for tonight, which I declined(work night and haven’t been feeling well). He used to always vent to me and while we were on the phone, I slipped up and started to vent about this guy situation (he knew the guy) and I regret not keeping my business to myself but I’ve been really struggling with my anxiety lately and jus broke and started talking. What do you guys think? Am I overthinking this or do you think it’s a bit out of the blue to start inviting me out places out of nowhere??