
Hey ladies! I really want to be there for my sister in law as she’s trying to conceive her second. She has been diagnosed with pcos since she was 15 and my nephew was a clomid baby. Her doctor started her on clomid again this last month and had to start her period for her with a pill. Her period was supposed to come yesterday and didn’t so when it didn’t show she took a test and it came out negative. I know there’s a chance it can take a few days and a bigger chance maybe it really is negative this month, but I want to be there to support her through this when it’s discouraging. I have children but I’ve been blessed to never have fertility problems so I would like help on What to say and what not to say to her to help comfort her and guide her and to help her stay positive through this difficult experience. Please help and please no rude comments! ❤️thanks all