I need help..

So my husband and I were dating off and on for about a year. We’d always break up for stupid reasons and he was still talking to his ex. He cheated on me in the beginning of our relationship with her 3 times. Not physically because we are in the military and live milesss away from his hometown. But they would FaceTime and text all the time they were still in a relationship the first time I found out. But I went back. And then they were talking again but not together. I went back again. Then he went on leave and went home and we were broken up but still talking and he had sex with her 3 times, I know because she told me. The day he got back him and I made up and i asked if he saw her he said yes but they only got yogurt together. Then she texted me and told me they had aex and I confronted him and he told me that he regrets it and he didn’t wanna tell me because he knew I wouldn’t take him back. I got hammered and ended up waking up in his room the next day and we talked it out. A couple months letter he gets a text from this girl saying she is pregnant. I’m shocked and so is he and I’m torn. I love him to death him and I were doing so good like amazing and then this falls on us. We were supposed the get married the next month. So I’m upset of course but I said no matter what he decides to do I’ll be there with him by his side. The girl doesn’t want him in the life and I secretly don’t either but I wouldn’t tell him that. So he’s not in the life. We get married that next month and all is good but he would still randomly text her to ask for pics of ultrasounds or whatever. I get pregnant and end up miscarrying a couple months later. So now I feel like absolutely horrible. He has another girl who’s not his wife pregnant and here I am and I’m not even able to carry his baby.. we have been fighting SUPER bad lately about random shit and he called me a shitty wife and said “you can’t even carry a baby” to me today.... he’s never mean like this but we were in the heat of the moment I said some nasty things to him too.. I feel so horrible I feel like I should leave him and let him be with ex cause I feel like that’s what he wants/always wanted all along. He says he loves me but he doesn’t show it.. 😪😪 I don’t know what to do I’m numb.