Why her and not me?

I JUST found out that one of my old high school friends is pregnant. She’s only 21 now, and she dropped out of college, has been strung out on coke, dating a loser that is also strung out on drugs, and wow, surprise, she is pregnant.

I can’t help but feel sort of angry.

My husband and I have been trying for over a year, we are both scheduled to graduate college soon, and we are financially prepared to support a baby...

somehow it feels that it will never happen for me. I love my friend but she doesn’t even want a kid now (hence the partying and drugs) she even mentioned abortion.

Am I wrong to feel so jealous and angry? Why does she get a blessing and my husband and I are still struggling? Why?!

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Posted at
you are completely justified in your feelings, they are normal. for some people pregnancy just happens sooner than others. you just have to roll with the punches. maybe her having a kid is what she needs right now to help her straighten out her life.


Posted at
I’m so sorry for how you’re feeling, however it’s very normal to feel that way. God has a plan for everyone. Perhaps that baby of hers will end up saving her life as soon as she holds that baby in her arms. And that applies to you as well, your time will come when you least expect it, and then you’d realized that all this time waiting was absolutely worth it ❤️


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Focus your energy on school. Your time will come


Posted at
☹️ I'm sorry it hasn't happened for you yet. Don't give up, it WILL happen xx I would be upset too with the news of your friend's pregnancy, especially because she doesn't seem to want it at all.


Posted at
Sorry but it’s something your going to have to deal with loads of people fall pregnant before other people I’m afraid there lifestyle has nothing to do with it. Maybe she will ditch the drugs and the looser man for her baby. Your time will come I am on month 6 with nothing and cry everyday but it’s not our time yet I truly hope you get there but try not hating on other people and the fact they are pregnant I didn’t help my atall ❤️