Kitten tips

Kate • God first💒 Married to my best friend💍 Border collie mom🐾 Country girl👢

My husband loves cats. I don’t (yet). I grew up on a farm and we always had barn cats, but my brother and I were never never allowed to touch them because they were pretty wild and feral. Well, last night my husband found one at his work parking lot and now we have a little kitten suddenly. It’s cute as can be but it poops/pees everywhere. My husband said cats “just know” how to use a litter box but this one sure doesn’t. How do I train it? Can you crate train a cat? It sneaks off to pee/poop every time I turn my back on it, and it hides so I have a hard time following it around with a spray bottle all day. There has to be a better way to do this 😅 Tips?