Commitment ceremony planning


My boyfriend and I are going to have a commitment ceremony next year. I'm trying to figure out a date to have it to where his family are able to come too. We also want to TTC again in September or October and I don't want to be too far along when we have the commitment ceremony. I really want April 27th 2019 because if I do get pregnant I'll be around 6 months pregnant by then. But my boyfriend's niece and nephew are turning 1 on April 25th so his brother and sister in law won't come to the commintment ceremony. If we have it in April his family won't come because his parents go to Florida for the winter and don't come back until the end of April. I want his parents, brother, sister in law and niece and nephew there too. Like they don't seem to care enough about their son/brother to take at least 2-3 hours of 1 Saturday to be at the commitment ceremony. April 27th is important day to me because my 1st dog who passed away was born on April 27th 2003. So I'm really wanting to have the commitment ceremony on that date.