Here’s my birth story


So I was due to be induced on July 2ed my due date was July 4th this is my first time as a mother so i didn’t want to be induced I wanted to experience the everything that came with child birth I prayed the night before that God let her come on her own an sure enough God answered my prayers on July 2ed at 5:00 am I started feeling contractions but nothing to bad at 9:30 am my mom woke me up to go eat breakfast I told her she could go down to get breakfast an come right back up I was going to get in the shower so we could go to the hospital o we was staying at a hotel across the street from the hospital cause I was high risk do to dr orders I get to the hospital I was only 1cm but they keep me for about 4hours to monitor my heart rate they check me again I was still 1cm at 1:00 pm so they told me I could go home an come back at 6:00pm at the time that was set for my induction no sooner then the nurse walked out the room my contractions got hard so they just kept me I was happy I always wanted a natural water birth but my dr told me I couldn’t because of my heart but because my baby was coming on her own I was able to get in the water for about total of 3 hours throughout my labor at 8:30 pm I was upset cause I was only 2cm so they gave me a epidural cause they gave me piton to help me dilate I cried cause I didn’t want no epidural I went this long without any med I could go all the way without them but due to my heart contractions I had to get the epidural the time is 5:59am july3rd I was awoken to some sharp pains in my back an told my mom to go get the nurses it was time the nurses check me as she began to check me my water broke I was kind of sad cause I did feel it 6:11am my baby girl out she didn’t come on my mom birthday/my due date of July 4th but she came on her own 6pounds an 19”an I’m happy with that welcome to the world Miss America she 1week an 3 days