need advice

Julissa • mother to a beautiful baby girl👶 and a wife to my handsome husband👨‍👩‍👦❤

My bf and I we've been living together for 3 years now and we have a daughter together. May 4th is my birthday and this year it landed on a Friday and my bf was telling me for your birthday you should go to your parents house and sleep over and I'll pick you up the next day. At first I was like ok so I packed some clothes for my daughter and i and he dropped us off and all. The next when I started messaging me and I would send him one thing and he would respond with something different and I'm like who are you talking to. That's when I started to feel like suspicious about it and then all of sudden he started getting mad at me and cursing at me and I'm like what's wrong with you. so I just stopped talking to him that whole day I didnt even go back home that day. So my daughter and I stayed another night at my parents. In the morning I thought it was going to be all good but when I would message him he would just say lol and I'm like ok. And I told can you come pick us up and hes like I thought your parents were going to bring you I cant go I have sh*t to do im driving and I was like ok then. Then all of sudden he calls me saying do you want me to pick you guys up and I was like yeah hurry. Once he got here I started checking his phone and I saw a number he was messaging and I told him who's number is that and hes like it's from the academy group chat and I didnt believe it so I checked the group to see if I can find the number and nothing so I dialed it and a girls picture pops out and I told him about it and hes like you left me alone what did you expect and all that. So we talked things through he factory reset his phone. But then like in june I found he was talking to girls again and i told his mom and his mom yelled at him and told him to cut the crap and what not. Then on July he started again started talking to women sending d*** pics and all that told his mom again but didn't tell her about him sending those pics but I told her that he was talking to women again and she told his dad and both started telling him stuff and his mom was telling him that he was going to get me tired of it and I'm going to leave and that he deserved it if I do but I'm still with him tell this day and I just recently found out hes was watching porn like really. Honestly I really dont trust him at all and I'm just always crying because I'm just thinking hes still doing his stuff. What should I do guys? and sorry for this long story.