Just worried. 😔

Meranda • 1/5/13💜 7/12/17💜

Some of you have probably read my earlier posts. My first doctor appointment was Wednesday when i was suppose to be 6w2d. We got a transvaginal ultrasound and she couldn’t find anything. No sac or anything all that was noticeable was my lining was thick like its suppose to be. They sent me for blood work to check my levels they said they have to be 6000 before anything could be sent and they thought i just ovulated later than thought. Doctor called Wednesday afternoon said levels were 1000 and we would check them again July 25th and then go from there. Well naturally I’m freaking out i call back Thursday and request get blood work Friday to see if they are doubling like should be. So i get them done yesterday and i missed their call their voicemail said the numbers did double and to call back for exact numbers. So i call (which goes through a call center) so some person I’ve never met or anything answers my call and she told me my numbers Wednesday was in the 400s and Friday’s were in the 800s. So now I’m even more confused and worried. Why would my doctor say 1000 if they were 400. Or did the person look at the wrong thing. I’ve been testing like crazy to see if things are progressing. The lines aren’t getting darker. I’m so terrified I’m losing my baby. Has this happened to anyone and everything turned out okay? Or did it cause miscarriage