What took me so long!?


Update: I bought a MeLuna Sport cup and I refunded my preorder on the Keela Cup due to design concerns and because I’m realizing I need a firmer cup for my high cervix... MeLuna comes in different firmness levels and even has short cups for those of you with low cervixes. There’s also handle options, a ring, a stem, a ball or nothing at all 🙃

l just started using silicone menstrual cups and they are awesome!! I don’t know why I waited so long. Everything is better about my period, so far. If you can get a set of large and small together you can figure out what one works for you, regardless of what the label says. Maybe even try a few different ones. The larger size works best for me. I tried the small one at first and almost lost it inside of me (I don’t have children and I’m under 30) TMI, sorry. My first set was about $8 from an ad on fb, I’m not even ashamed to admit it. I have a few different ones coming from eBay and I preordered a keela cup because it is a bit hard on my hands to insert and remove it; so I can figure out which kind works the best for me over time. But I am so happy with my decision to switch. I highly recommended it.