I’m lost


I am in love with a guy that I feel that don’t love me I met him a year ago we known each mother for about 4years sometimes I wish we should’ve stayed friends he talks about my weight a lot I try to lose weight but it’s not going nowhere I’m trying to please him to the point I’m losing my self we started arguing and he say hurtful things or make me feel low but I recently just found out that he was talking to multiple female online and I approached him about it and he yelled at me and said he tired of ppl going through his phone but I don’t go through his phone a lot I just hate cheated and liars I need help he always tell me that we need to move so he can get me n check I don’t know what that mean he always saying he playing i don’t kno if it’s warning or what but he told me my weight is a issue I been this size since I was a kid idk I just feel really unhappy and have low self esteem