My latest BBT chart


Hi everyone,

I just wanted to put up my latest BBT chart and see what you guys thought about it. Some facts you should know while looking at my chart is that this is my chart for my second <a href="">IUI</a> cycle and my second time on progesterone. So yeah, got to take that in account. But I would have to say this time is a little different. As you can see my temp is staying up there. Last time, my temp slightly dropped and my AF came on while on the progesterone. I was told it would delay my period, which it did and that it would give me pregnancy like symptoms, which it also did, but my temp dropped then. This time my temp is staying up there and my AF is due in two days. I'm hoping that won't be the case here and that this chart will tell me something good and not just fake symptoms. I'm not sure what I'm asking here with the facts I have given everyone but maybe to check and see does everything look good or do you think my temp should be higher?