Husband has a porn addiction

Ok so in January I found my husband has a massive problem with porn by accident when searching for some lost university work and when I tried to talk to him about he flipped out at me and went mad at me telling me I’m going to be rubbish mum that I’m too ugly too far and don’t please him so when he got over this and actually spoke to me I tried to help. Then later again In may I came across it again on my tablet and a lot of it so the same thing happened with him shouting at me. Tonight I found it again for a third time and this time he got very mad and aggressive at me I’m 7 months pregnant and instead of talking to me he hit me several times round the back of the head and I don’t know what to do anymore should I stay and put up with his childish behaviour or should I just leave would it be better for me and baby without him ??? Please help