When did you tell your employer that you’re pregnant?

I’ll be 6 weeks tomorrow & I’m having a hard time finding an appointment with my OBGYN that would fit my work schedule. I’m a nanny so it’s nearly impossible for me to take off unless I tell them why. Ideally I’d like to wait until after the 1st ultrasound at the earliest to tell them since I’m planning to leave and stay home once I have the baby, but the mom just went back to work after having her second child so I’m also worried about adding extra stress to their plate (I know they’ll be absolutely thrilled for us but it is a really busy time for them)... I’ve been with them for almost 3 years so we’ve gotten close, I just want to make sure I tell them at the right time.

Any advice would be so helpful! Especially from anyone who’s been in a similar situation! 🙏🏼

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