My sons behaviour has suddenly changed!!

Ok so lately my sister and her son have been staying with me since the 1st of July (she was supposed to move somewhere but the previous tenant refuses to move) but since they’ve been here I’ve noticed a huge change in my sons behaviour (keep in mind he hasn’t been in his own space for almost a month i.e his room) ., he is starting not to listen more I’m guessing because his cousin doesn’t listen that he thinks it’s ok ., he’s also gotten more aggressive I find myself having to tell him to stop hitting when I never had to before., he refuses to be punished , when I put him for a time out he just gets up and does his own thing now when he wouldn’t move until I came to get him from time out , no matter how many times I try to enforce it . Not going to bed on time when I’ve had him going to bed since 7:30-8pm for a year and a half ., now he’s asleep by 10-10:30 ., needless to say I’m getting very frustrated and I’m not sure what to do ., i feel like his behaviour comes from his cousin who has no discipline (my sister is very lax 🙄) my son got the hitting from him & the worst part is he is 6 months younger ??! I’m starting to get tired of having to constantly repeat everything to him ., I’m just tired overall 11 weeks pregnant I hope this behaviour doesn’t continue 😧😵☠️

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Posted at
Some of it is the age. And I’m pregnant so I get it, it’s exhausting. I’m 3 weeks. He going to bed thing tho is definitely because of the house guests. If it were me I think I’d let my sister know that you’re exhausted and the baby isn’t going to sleep because he sees her son not going to sleep and kindly ask that while he son is there with y’all to put him down earlier. The first couple days will be tough but he’ll get the hang of it. And jtshonestly better formhim in the long run.


Posted at
My son is the same age..doing all the things you are describing...and no other changes (living situation or other) in his life. Normal growth progression! It will pass.


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A lot of this just sounds like the age he is. My son has been doing some of the same things and i think it just comes with time. Just be persistent and change how you do time outs if you have to.


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I have to put my son in a time out he can’t just get up from, so I chose the pack and play. And the hitting and all the trouble you’ve been having can be terrible twos. We are starting the same stuff with no other kids in the house. Yesterday my son went to time out 3 times for hitting😭 has been going to bed at 10-1030 when he use to go to bed at 830-9. Maybe he’s jealous though and needs more alone time with you?? Who knows what the kids is thinking and feeling.


Posted at
In my own opinion just because my sons the same age as yours, your son is probably learning things like hitting and behavior things from the other child but the rest is probably just his “terrible twos” starting. My son has started some of these things suddenly as well and he doesn’t even go to daycare or anything but he just picks them up from watching us (husband jokingly slapping my butt he sees as hitting for example). I’m sure if he doesn’t have his own room and the other kids going to bed later that is affecting his bed time for sure.